From The Mana World

Hurnscald Crops

1 Stage

Quest Giver: Hinnak Location: Hurnscald Fields.

Pinkies are ravaging Hinnak's Fields. He wants 10 antennas. But he won't reward you without at least a 100 pinkies sacrifice.

Current Kills: {var2} You also need 20 agi to begin this quest.

Required Level: 20

2 Stage

Quest Giver: Hinnak Location: Hurnscald Fields.

Hinnak's farm is safe, but Hurnscald food supply is far from secured. I should help his friend, Oscar, on the west farm.

3 Stage

Quest Giver: Oscar Location: Woodlands Central Area.

Oscar is also having problems with pinkies. He want 10 pink legs for a soup. But he won't reward you without at least a 100 pinkies sacrifice.

Current Kills: {var2} You also need 30 agi to begin this quest.

4 Stage

Quest Giver: Airlia Reward: <text1="[Scythe]">{text1} Location: Hurnscald, Town Hall.

Oscar was very satisfied. He and Hinnak prepared a reward for you. Redeem it at the Town Hall.

5 Stage

This completes quest

The crops are safe! Finally! Hinnak and his wife might still need help, but... ...that's not my problem anymore.

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