From The Mana World

If you remove spam, please always do so by reverting to the last version without spam instead of manually deleting the added spam. This makes sure you don't miss other changes, like the removal of the + signs by recent spam bots. To do this, click on the previous non-spam version on the history page and then click 'edit'. Thanks. --Bjørn 18:22, 2 July 2007 (CEST)

I know, fortunately I used the manual deletion just in my first 2-3 reverts, because I noticed that bug too (After that, I started using the edit-method). A few minutes ago I double-checked my reverts and found out that they were valid. Someone else manually reverted the articles after another bot change (excluding the + signs). So it wasn't me, I think. hehe :) --Peacemaker 10:02, 3 July 2007 (CEST)