From The Mana World
Revision as of 07:55, 7 February 2008 by Dabe (talk | contribs) (working on this right now, just want to get it updated .. just in case someone is poking at it.)
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Like other creatures, Man does not have a singular form. There are currently ten distinct races known to the world, but in the beginning, there were only four. We'll call these four original races "Pure-bloods"..


Long ago, the Gods accidentally created these races from their relative element. Though a lot has changed since then, each of the four Gods still retains some favor for the race they created.


These fishy folk usually live beneath the waves, many of them in Ancea's capital city and its surrounding area. Tritan between the ages of 16-29 normally live abroad, as this is the customary age-range which they devote to travel and exploration. Some return home sooner than others, while a rare few are occasionally coaxed to settle down on dry land. This is why you see Tritan all over the world, but won't often find a permanent Tritan household unless you travel underwater. Also, if you happen to visit the Tritan capital city, you might notice an abundance of children and elderly, with a striking lack of young-adults.

The Tritan Empire developed from a blend of aquatic hunter/gatherer cultures and today, have managed to retain a handful of their fundamentals. Hunting is the primary staple of their society, while agriculture (in terms of crops and farming) tends to be largely ignored. Though they are omnivores, a typical Tritan's diet consists of mostly small sea creatures with a very small amount of wild sea vegetation. Unlike other races, the Tritan's eating habits often exclude foreign foods, even considering delicacies. Most of the food they eat, comes from the sea.

The elders are the leaders of the Tritan culture; they are the disciplinarians, teachers and the caregivers. The children on the other hand, are the hunters and gatherers; childhood for a normal Tritan consists of keeping food in stock and listening to stories, told by the elders. Before the Tritan Empire helped to form the nation of Ancea, there was no such thing as a conventional school. Even now, the only actual school that you can find underwater is a branch of the World Academy.


The area which the Sparron call home used to be a wide stretch of mountains and canyons, dotted with light woodlands. After the Crystal of Air shattered, all of that beautiful land separated from the continent and floated up in to the sky. Most Sparron decided to continue living there; a bit of wind and some heights never hurt a winged-person, after all. Most Sparron don't begin to grow wings until puberty, but once they start to come in, they tend to receive a lot of attention and care. Any self-respecting Sparron prides their wings above most other things.

Sparron sometimes seem a bit more self-righteous and boastful than the rest of Mankind, but such egotism is simply a product of their society. Individually, each Sparron believes itself to be the most beautiful and VERY rarely offers compliments to others, for any reason. To Sparron, who can not imagine doling out such pleasantries, compliments are often believed to be sarcastic and impolite. It has been like this as long as anyone can remember. Any person who understands this aspect of Sparron culture is usually able to put up with it, well enough at least, to make a friend out of a Sparron.

The Sparron are generally quite beautiful though, spotted with colorful feathers. It is simply their conceited attitude that drives others away; they're usually tough to hold a meaningful conversation with, but they're very easy on the eyes. Sparron women are the uncontested beauties of the world and are pursued by males of other races, just as often as Sparron males. Females usually don't have beaks, which is seen as a masculine trait; males on the other hand, often do not have talons, which is seen as a feminine trait.


These people have been calling the volcanic desert, "home" since it was a jungle. Though today, Ifriton can be found all over the world, most live somewhere in Tonori, primarily in Gispaa.



At some point during ancient times, the Gods began to lose interest in their creations. During this period in time, the Gods slept, leaving Man to fend for itself. Without strict guidance, Man began to crossbreed, eventually paving the way for half-breeds.





