From The Mana World
Revision as of 17:27, 4 May 2016 by Gumi (talk | contribs)
hurnscald, hurns, hurn009-1, 55, 37
nivalis, niv020-1, 74, 83
tulimshar, tulim, tul001-1, 64, 101
candor, newbington, noob029-1, 52, 93
asphodel, swamp, swampvillage, undeadtown026-1, 32, 33
oldwizard, wizard, oldwiz013-1, 41, 92
desert, pachua006-1, 34, 99
forest, katze015-1, 58, 35
dimondscove, dimond010-2, 31, 39
graveyard, gy027-1, 71, 87
generalkrukan, krukan027-6, 39, 47
generalrazha, razha027-7, 39, 35
generalterogan, terogan027-8, 39, 52
gmisland, eventisland, easterisland, island028-1, 99, 40
auditorium, scene028-1, 119, 69
theater017-2, 26, 23
gmlounge, lounge, backstage, gm017-9, 26, 23
cindycave, cindy031-3, 47, 26
terranite, terracave, terra012-3, 448, 65
terranitesafe, terrasafe, safeterra012-4, 473, 184