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Scenario Module (sc)

This module can be called with sc and allows to quickly switch between scenarios.


dbg sc [ list | <category> ] [ <category> | <id> ]

sc list [<category>]

This command allows you to display a list of all categories or, if the <category> argument is supplied, to display a list of all scenarios in the given category.

sc <category> <id>

This command allows you to use the scenario <id> from the category <category>.

Example Usage

dbg sc
display the usage dialog.

dbg sc list archer
display all scenarios in the "archer" category

dbg sc warrior 45
use scenario "45" from the category "warrior"

Status Debug Module (sd)

This module can be called with sd and allows to quickly test status modifiers.


dbg sd [ list | <id> ]

sd list

This command allows you to display a list of all status modifiers.

sd <id>

This command allows you to use the status <id>.

Example Usage

dbg sd
display the usage dialog.

dbg sd list
display all possible status modifiers

dbg sd poison
use status modifier "poison"

GM Event Module (event)

This module can be called with event and allows to quickly start or end an event.


dbg event [ start | stop | killgm | sparty | findgm | spvp ] [ <timer> | <winner> ]

event start

This command allows you to enable the GM Event portals.

event killgm [<timer>]

This command allows you to start a "Kill The GM" event. It implies "event start" and also broadcast a message and then teleport you to the island. If the <timer> argument is supplied the event will start in <timer> minutes. If the <timer> argument is omitted the event start in 10 minutes.

event sparty [<timer>]

This command allows you to start a "Spawn Party" event. It implies "event start" and also broadcast a message and then teleport you to the island. If the <timer> argument is supplied the event will start in <timer> minutes. If the <timer> argument is omitted the event start in 10 minutes. This command also randomly spawns monsters all over the island (according to the number of players present) at random interval until the "stop" command is called.

event findgm [<timer>]

This command allows you to start a "Find The GM" event. It broadcast a message and then teleport you to a random location on a random map. If the <timer> argument is supplied the event will start in <timer> minutes. If the <timer> argument is omitted the event start in 10 minutes.

event spvp [<timer>]

This command is the exact same as "sparty" but also enables pvp on the island.

event stop [<winner>]

This command must be run to end any event started with the event module. It teleports all players present on the island to Hurnscald and close the portals. It also broadcast a message to let players know the event is over. If the <winner> argument is supplied it is included in the broadcast message. The <winner> argument is useful for events which can have only one winner (ie. Kill The GM)

Example Usage

dbg event
display the usage dialog.

dbg event killgm 15
start a Kill The GM event in 15 minutes, enable all portals, broadcast a message immediately, broadcast a message each 5 minutes, teleport you to the island after 15 minutes.

dbg event stop wushin
stop the event, close the portals, warp every players present on the island to Hurnscald, broadcast a message stating "wushin" as the winner of the event.