From The Mana World
Revision as of 04:34, 27 September 2008 by Crush2 (talk | contribs) (→‎Concerns: about range required by server)

This article contains information for Programmers working or interested in working for The Mana World

SQL table specifications

User accounts

Column name Datatype Nullable References Description
id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY unique id of an account }}
username TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE username / loginname of an user
password TEXT NOT NULL password of an user (sha256 encoded)
email TEXT NOT NULL email (sha256 encoded, only for pwd recovery)
level INTEGER NOT NULL numeric level of the user account
banned INTEGER NOT NULL unixtimestamp until when the account is banned
registration INTEGER NOT NULL unixtimestamp of account registration
lastlogin INTEGER NOT NULL unixtimestamp of last login with client


  • email
    • The email is stored as a one-way sha256 hash value. This ensures, that the email address a user enters cannot be used to send spam mails. It is only used to validate the mailaddress during password recovery procedure.
  • level
    • describes the user rights in the game (10 = normal user, 50 = gm, 99 = administrator)


Column name Datatype Nullable References Description
id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY unique id of the character
user_id INTEGER NOT NULL id of the owner
name TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE name of the character
gender INTEGER NOT NULL gender of the character (0/1)
hair_style INTEGER NOT NULL id of the hair sprite
hair_color INTEGER NOT NULL id of the hair color
level INTEGER NOT NULL experience level of the character
char_pts INTEGER NOT NULL available points to raise attributes
correct_pts INTEGER NOT NULL available points to lower attributes and regain char_pts
money INTEGER NOT NULL GP of the character
x INTEGER NOT NULL x position of the character on the map
y INTEGER NOT NULL y position of the character on the map
map_id INTEGER NOT NULL id of the current map the character is located
str INTEGER NOT NULL strength of the character
agi INTEGER NOT NULL agility of the character
dex INTEGER NOT NULL dexternity of the character
vit INTEGER NOT NULL vitality of the character
int INTEGER NOT NULL intelligence of the character
will INTEGER NOT NULL willpower of the character


  • The way experience is part of this table really won't scale and isn't flexible in any way. It's currently already way too many variables in one table row, and these are just the weapon skills. So I think we should really have a separate table for storing skill levels similar to the character inventory table below. So something that has { character_id, skill_id, experience }. The skill_id should point to a skills.xml file which describes (and categorizes) each skill. In that way we'll be able to easily change the set of skills and their names later. --Bjørn 18:09, 12 September 2008 (CEST)
    • I think the same should be done with the attributes (str .. will). In theory almost every attribute in this table could be handled that way, it might look like a mess, but would be really friendly in customizing the gameplay elements. --kess 19:54, 12 September 2008 (CEST)
    • I agree with that completely as this will give us more flexibility and a much more relational database design. I've extended the "DAL improvements" task in mantis: #424 --Exceptionfault 15:50, 14 September 2008 (CEST)
      • Thanks for taking out the skills from this table. However, I disagree about generalizing stuff on the level of attributes, unless there would be any plan of putting infrastructure in place to make this possible. For now we can't even finish a server for The Mana World within years, so please don't try to build a server that supports any online RPG just yet. I only suggested we take out the skills because it would be completely unmanageable as part of this table, but the list of attribute is not expected to change for now. --Bjørn 15:55, 22 September 2008 (CEST)

Character attributes

This table is intended to store skills and experiences of each character.

Column name Datatype Nullable References Description
char_id INTEGER NOT NULL reference to the character
skill_id INTEGER NOT NULL (skills.xml) reference to the skill
exp INTEGER NOT NULL current experience of the char in this skill


  • I'm not sure, if an INTEGER does the job for column exp? --Exceptionfault 14:40, 19 September 2008 (CEST)
    • What is the range? I would expect it to be enough. --Bjørn 15:56, 22 September 2008 (CEST)
      • Here’s some basic info:
        MySQL: INTEGER (INT) may be signed or unsigned and is 4 bytes large, MySQL also have 1, 2, 3 and 8 byte integer variants (TINYINT, SMALLINT, MEDIUMINT and BIGINT) [1]
        PostgreSQL: INTEGER (INT, INT4) is signed and 4 bytes large, PostgreSQL also have 2 and 8 byte integer variants (SMALLINT and BIGINT) [2]
        SQLite: INTEGER is signed and size is either 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 or 8 bytes depending on the size of the value [3]
        So, the largest integer type supported should be of 8 byte size (signed): from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to +9,223,372,036,854,775,807, while the “standard” (of the SQL variants above) signed 4 byte integer ranges from -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647. --kess 21:18, 22 September 2008 (CEST)
      • The exp needed for skill level 100 (which I assumed to be the highest reasonable value) is (according to the current formula level³ * 10) about 10 million. We won't get in trouble with 32bit singned integers until the players get near skill level 600 (2.16 billion).

Character Inventory

Column name Datatype Nullable References Description
id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY unique id of the item
owner_id INTEGER NOT NULL id of the owning character
slot INTEGER NOT NULL inventory slot where the item is equipped
class_id INTEGER NOT NULL type of the item, see items.xml file of tmwserv
amount INTEGER NOT NULL amount of items per slot


  • While I haven’t looked how this table is used (my C++ knowledge is rather basic) it seems quite rigid and unflexible (as Bjørn noted above for the tmw_characters table). I think it would be nicer to have something like {owner_id FK, slot, item_id FK, amount, PK owner_id + slot}, where class_id shouldn’t directly be needed in this table. --kess 19:49, 12 September 2008 (CEST)
  • Concerning new features like houses, bank accounts, chests or similar, i think the design of this table needs some more roundtrips. You will need a column which indicates if the item is carried by the character or stored in a chest or in a house; as it makes no sense to have a table for every possible storage type or location. Another point is, that items should be more individualizable (is this a real word? :)). Think about custom colored shirts. So we will need at least one additional table to store individual attributes of items. --Exceptionfault 16:02, 14 September 2008 (CEST)
    • We want all equipment to be completely individual with completely unique stats. --Crush2 16:13, 14 September 2008 (CEST)
      • Good to know, so I will extend the DAL improvement task in mantis. --Exceptionfault 16:20, 14 September 2008 (CEST)


Column name Datatype Nullable References Description
id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY unique id of the guid
name TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE unique name of the guild

Guild memberships

The table tmw_guild_members stores informations which character is member in which guild and which rights does he has.

Column name Datatype Nullable References Description
guild_id INTEGER NOT NULL reference to the guild
member_id INTEGER NOT NULL reference to the characters
rights INTEGER NOT NULL id showing the rights a character has in this guild (member, admin...)

World state

The table tmw_world_state is used to store persistent informations about the world or individual maps.

Column name Datatype Nullable References Description
state_name TEXT PRIMARY KEY unique name of a state variable
map_id INTEGER NULL reference to a map, see details
value TEXT NULL string value of the state
moddate INTEGER NOT NULL date and time of the last modification


  • The column state_name forms the primary key of the table. If map_id is null, the variable is used globally in the world, otherwise the variable is specific for a map.
  • moddate is for informational use only as it contains the unixtimestamp of the last modification.


  • It seems that SQLite doesn't support composite primary keys (span PK over multiple columns). Therefore it is not possible to allow multiple state_names with different map_ids. So we set a state_name to unique and use map_id as notifier if this variable is globally used or just locally for a specific map. --Exceptionfault 11:05, 15 September 2008 (CEST)
    • This table is ready for usage, commited as rev. 4629 --Exceptionfault 13:51, 15 September 2008 (CEST)

Quest states

This table is used to store states of quests per character, e.g. if a character has just finished a quest or is currently at the second part of the long journey...

Column name Datatype Nullable References Description
owner_id INTEGER NOT NULL reference to the character
name TEXT NOT NULL name of the quest variable
value TEXT NOT NULL current value of the quest variable


  • Unless this table is adapted so that it stores the state of a particular quest, this one should have a name which makes it move obvious that it's storing custom values for characters. I consider that different from quests variables, which I would expect to be scoped to a certain quest (global quest variables) or quest instance (local quest variables). --Bjørn 18:16, 12 September 2008 (CEST)
  • We might want to have a similar table to this to store custom values for item instances, and also one for custom world-state variables. --Bjørn 18:16, 12 September 2008 (CEST)
  • I always wondered why Silene used the terminology "Quest" for what is basically a system to store/querry persistent character-bound integer variables which can be used for countless purposes, not just quests. I think we should rename this whole system to "character variable" in the database, server source and script bindings. --Crush2 23:28, 12 September 2008 (CEST)
  • I agree with Bjørn concerning the additional tables for custom item values and custom world-state values. Although the name "tmw_quests" is a little bit confusing and should be renamed, I suggest keeping a table as such to store only quest states of characters and not to mix up with other persistent states. Instead we should provide a much cleaner documentation about the available quests and their persistent states that are possible. I envision something like a questbook in game, where each player can have a look at his finished quests and currently open quests, maybe with hints on the minimap, a todo list .... Besides that, we should be aware of dividing quests into "per-character", "per-party" or global world quests. --Exceptionfault 16:20, 14 September 2008 (CEST)


Since the database is changing relatively often while we're still developing 0.1.0 and nobody likes to keep this page up to date, here is the link to the source code that specifies creation of the database tables. The source code is always right!