Classic:Game Rules

From The Mana World
(Redirected from Classic Game Rules)

This article contains information for players of The Mana World.

Players breaking the following rules may be banned (up to and including a permanent ban) or have their characters reset at the GM's discretion:

  1. Do not abuse other players (insults, swearing, and the like directed to a particular person or persons)
  2. No bots (including ANY AFK activity or automated following)
  3. No spamming / flooding (including trade spam)
  4. No begging
  5. Speak English on public chat
  6. Treat others the same way you would like to be treated
  7. No Keyloggers, hoaxes/phishing websites
  8. No Hateful language about race, religion, country (Example: US vs. EU), political beliefs, gender, etc.
  9. No Nudity/Sexually explicit content
  10. No Content that is considered illegal by law
  11. No Referral links for contests, promotions, or anything else

AFK botting will be determined by talking to players who are moving and/or attacking. Automated following will be determined by observation.