From The Mana World
Here is a listing of all my pages
Rough Ideas
- Unified HP for all interactions: Unified HP Theory (UHT).
- Crafting is like defeating a monster: equip tool, damage material's 'challenge hp' with crafting specials.
- Controller based focus
- Healing xp fix : assign a 'healing difficulty' to player. As a monster damages, it adds a factor of its diff to this number. Calibrate for intensity of combat (avoid damage framing)
- xp based on dmg, assigned per hit: integrates with UHT
- problem for tanks: low dmg, high hp. Maybe offset by dmg = xp for tank skills
- problem with monster healing: farming xp. Make every 'set' of hp past max drop monster difficulty rating 1/2 -> diminishing returns.
- ability points treated as skills (no need for levels anymore)
- would be nice to add specials like the skills in Guild Wars
- Skill specialisation, like in Ryzom
- Quality % of items: effects item stats. Based on hp/max
- Zoneless map