Hello I'm pablo from argentina i do skateboarding also kung-fu, but when home I like to use free software and play free and open games like this one, always use gnu/linux on my box. and I am alike with programming languages and security topics! see you on there! I was playing the mana world really early I always say, when the times you can go from old tulimshard to hurnscald just walking from the left of tulimshard by the beach to the souh east of hurnscald, later some time without playing and when come back butterflyes was added, the path was talked about longer non exist, and later a bunch of changes were made, now i want to become part of the dev team, I know how to use tilda to dev maps, and in the future I will put my eyes on the code of eathena to see how the game really works and maybe help in the deving part is more funny for programmers. also like pixel art. of course I love playing mana world in rol game context for example you do not see the name of another character if you're really in the shoes of your character!