User:Jak1/sandbox/client commands
From The Mana World
/Command | Description |
/w,/msg,/q,/query <name> <message> | Whisper a Player. |
/target <target> | Selects the target. (monster or player) |
/targetmercenary | Targets closest mercenary. |
/targetpet | Targets pet. |
/outfit <id/prev/next> | changes your outfit to ID or previous/next. |
/talkpet <message> | Lets you talk thru your pet. |
/emote <id> | Lets you show emote. |
/emotepet <id> | Lets you emote thru your pet. |
/follow <name> | Lets you follow the given player. |
/imitation <name> | Lets you Imitate the given player. |
/heal <name> | Heals the given player. |
/move <x> <y> | Moves you to given position. (short distance) |
/movetotarget | Moves you to the current target. |
/movetohome | Moves you to home position. |
/sethome | Sets your current position as home. |
/navigate <x> <y> | Moves you to given position. (any distance) |
/mail <name> <message> | Sends offline message to given name. (tmwa only) |
/disconnect | Disconnects you from the server. |
/attack | Attacks the current target. |
/atkhuman | Selects and attacks the closest player. |
/magicattack | Attacks current target with magic. |
/undress <name> | Removes clothes from the given player. (local only) |
/setdrop <amount> | Sets drop counter to given amount. |
/drop <amount> | Drops amount of items from slot 0. |
/dropn <amount> | Drops amount of items from any slot |
/info | Shows guild informations (native guilds only) |
/wait <name> | Waits for monster or player with given name. |
/gm <message> | Sends a message to all online GMs. |
/catchpet | Tries to catch a pet. |
/addattack <name> | Adds monster to attack list. |
/addpriorityattack <name> | Adds monster to priority attack list. |
/addignoreattack <name> | Adds monster to ignore attack list. |
/removeattack <name> | Removes monster from attack list. |
/away [message] | Sets away mode. [with optional message] |
/pseudoaway [message] | Sets pseudo away mode. [with optional message] |
/close | Closes the current whisper chat tab. (you need to be in a whisper tab) |
/closeall | Closes all whisper chat tabs. |
/debug | Opens the Debug window. |
/help | Opens the Help window. |
/trade <name> | Starts trade with given player. |
/priceload | Loads shop price list from file. |
/pricesave | Saves shop price list to file. |
/ignore <name> | Adds player to ignore list. |
/unignore <name> | Removes player from ignore list. |
/friend, /befriend <name> | Adds player to friends list. |
/disregard <name> | Adds player to disregard list. |
/neutral <name> | Adds player to neutral list. |
/blacklist <name> | Adds player to blacklist. |
/erase <name> | Adds player to erased list. |
/enemy <name> | Adds player so enemy list. |
/createparty <name> | Creates party with the given name. |
/me <message> | sends a message to chat like irc's /me. (*can also be used*) |
/who | Prints the number of online players to chat. |
/present | Prints visible players number to chat. |
/all | Prints visible beings list to debug chat tab. |
/where | Prints current player position to chat. |
/cacheinfo | Prints text cache info. |
/uptime | Prints since when the client is running. |
/dumpe | Dumps enviroment variables to chat. |
/dumpg | Dumps graphics ans g.settings to chat. |
/dumpgl | Dumps OpenGL version to chat. |
/dumpmods | Dumps all enabled mods to chat. |
/dirs | Prints client directories in debug chat tab. |
/uploadconfig | Uploads main configuration to pastebin. |
/uploadserverconfig | Uploads server configuration to pastebin. |
/uploadlog | Uploads log to pastebin. |
/announce <message> | Announces the given message to the server. (GM only) |
/createitems | Opens item creation dialog (Player:show items, GM:give items) |
/clear | Clears the current chat tab |
/enablehighlight | Enables highlights in the current chat tab. |
/disablehighlight | Disables highlights in the current chat tab. |
/enableaway | Enables away message in current chat tab. |
/disableaway | Disables away message in current chat tab. |
/cleangraphics | Removes all cached graphics. (development) |
/testparticle <filename> | Loads particle from file and sets testparticle to yourself. |
/mercenaryfire | Fire mercenary. |
/firehomunculus | Fire homunculus. |
/sethomunname <name> | Sets homunculus name. |
/setpetname <name> | Sets new pet name. |
/petaistart | Enables pet AI. |
/petaistop | Disables pet AI. |
/petmoveup | Moves pet 1 tile up. |
/petmovedown | Moves pet 1 tile down. |
/petmoveleft | Moves pet 1 tile left. |
/petmoveright | Moves pet 1 tile right |
/petdirectionup | Rotates pet up. |
/petdirectiondown | Rotates pet down. |
/petdirectionleft | Rotates pet left. |
/petdirectionright | Rotates pet right. |
/clearfonts | Removes all cached render strings. |
/url <url> | Insert a clickable url into chat. |
/open <url> | Open url in OS' default browser. |
/updater | Updates the client in live mode. |
/trimmemory | Unloads unused assets from memory. |
/movecamera <x> <y> | Moves the camera to given location. |
/restorecamera | Brings the camera hooked back to the player. |