This article contains information for players or people interested in playing The Mana World rEvolt. If you're interested for the Classic game, please go to the Classic portal.
This article is for reference purpose
The features described in this article are already implemented in the game. The article should describe how a certain aspect of the game currently works. You may of course edit this article to improve the description of the circumstances. Your opinions or improvement suggestions about the described aspects themself are of course appreciated, too. But please put these on the discussion page of this article to keep facts and fiction separated.
任務通常由NPC授予。它們有簡單的工作,如收集物品或與NPC交談,也有如拼圖或打Boss等較難的任務。一些任務會要求你先完成其他任務或等到某個等級,也有些需要消耗Monster Points 或金錢。每個任務也有獎勵。這些獎勵可能是經驗,金錢,物品,準備,Daily Points, Boss Points, 技能,咒語等。需要注意的是EXP獎勵將授予總額,你有可能因為經驗值而「跳級」。
有些任務很特別:每天可以做幾次每日任務。一年一度的任務只能在某些時間完成。其他任務比較特殊,但仍被當作任務:如技能, 重置屬性點,Candor等。
注意:請看Magic Quests,Daily Quests和Annual Quests各自的介紹。他們不是完全一個任務或有獨立的故事線,如Magic Quest。
"實用的任務"一列顯示了一些像任務的活動,如Candor 或店舖等。